Bernadette Slowey / Director of documentary film, Berni's Journey
[ Go to to get a FREE DVD of Berni's Journey, using the promo code: PAVE ]
How many of us have felt the urge to accomplish something, only to allow some sort of limiting belief hold us back? Meet, Paver, Bernadette Slowey, creator, director and star of Berni’s Journey, an award-winning documentary about Berni’s unconventional filmmaking quest, which unintentionally, helps her face her own fears and forge a new future.
After leaving a successful 20-year career and suffering three miscarriages, Berni sets-out on her quest to make a movie without any filmmaking experience, and against her husband’s wishes. A self-proclaimed driven perfectionist, Berni’s mission for the film is concrete, calculated, and fully lined-up. So, she thinks.
When Berni gets to India, she watches all of her plans literally unravel on camera. Suddenly, the plot of Berni’s film turns from her external goals and concepts, to that of her own sense of self. Berni comes face-to-face with her own fears, her past, and all of her perfect imperfections.
Berni’s Journey is a thought-provoking story of one woman’s quest to capture a documentary about spirituality in India, only to reconnect with her own spirit by default. And in doing so, Berni moves past her masks of perfection to show herself, and the world, that true wisdom is accessed by knowing and loving yourself.
I have a deep admiration for Berni’s willingness, and courage, to expose her personal story to others. A full believer in “living life like it is your own movie,” Berni is working on her next step to help others on their own journeys with workshops and retreats.
Check-out the award winning trailer of Berni’s Journey and get a FREE DVD of the documentary at, using promo code: PAVE. And, check-out Berni’s 2016 TEDx Talk, while you are at it.
So, how does Bernadette Slowey Pave Her Way? Check-out her video to find out.
And, stay tuned for more stories of Pavers to come…
Nina Cashman / Founder, Pave Your Way
P.s. – HUGE thanks for original soundtrack music of Berni’s Journey, “Bodhi Tree” and “Leap of Faith,” composed by Melissa Stoner, courtesy of Vanacore Music.