Pave Your Way®

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Stephan Hume / President & Owner / Band Dynamics

Meet Paver, Stephan Hume, President and Owner of Band Dynamics, a music school for kids and teenagers that teaches how to play to your potential with music lessons that rock! Band Dynamics not only offers music lessons, it helps kids put bands together based on skill, age, personality, and music interests. It then takes it a step further by coaching the bands to boost their communication skills, music ability, confidence, problem-solving, commitment and so much more. All I can say is, why didn’t something like this exist when I was growing-up?

Stephan’s path of paving his own success consists of believing in himself, when nobody else did and persevering beyond what many people thought possible. There were several moments along the way that challenged Stephan so much that many other business owners might have closed their doors. Yet Stephan’s purpose to do his part to improve life through music, kept him motivated to evolve the way music is taught in a world that is constantly changing.

So, how does Stephan Hume pave his way? Check-out his video to find out and stay tuned for more stories of Pavers to come…

And, for kids who love music and are still looking for a one of a kind experience this summer, Band Dynamics has two summer camps coming-up on June 20 – 25 and July 11 – 16. The summer camps will assemble kids from all over Denver to learn from professional musicians and wrap-up with a final rock concert performance at a popular Denver music venue! Space is limited and filling-up fast, so click here to learn more today.

Pave on!


P.s. –The song used in this video is called “Happy To Be Here” and was written, played and produced by none other than Stephan Hume from his album “Jump The Road.”