Replace Problem-Solving With Solution-Seeking

Tap into the limitless benefits of “Appreciative Inquiry.”

Join me for a FREE interactive webinar on Friday, February 21st, at 11 a.m. (MST) / 1:00 p.m. (EST).


“The purpose of gardening is NOT primarily about pulling weeds that strengthen and grow. The purpose of gardening IS primarily about watering and shedding light on seeds so they can enjoy healthy growth.” — Dr. Tal Ben Shahar.

Learn why viewing circumstances and all challenges with an appreciative eye is a game changer.

Join me for a FREE webinar to learn the Appreciative Inquiry approach.

  • Draw on the best from the past to inspire the present and create a better future.

  • Look for exceptions to problems to create innovative solutions.

  • Leverage your and your team’s strengths to inspire change.

  • Utilize the power of success stories to empower more successful outcomes.

In this 1-hour interactive webinar, you will walk away with:

  • Knowledge of the fascinating field of Appreciative Inquiry and why it’s so powerful.

  • Case studies that prove the efficacy of Appreciative Inquiry in driving lasting change.

  • Methods for applying Appreciative Inquiry to your own life and business culture.

  • Appreciative questions to aid you with real-time challenges — at work or at home.

Created and facilitated by Nina Cashman

Founder / Pave Your Way

Candidate for M.A. of Happiness Studies (Scheduled to graduate in May of 2025)